We Are Not Alone

One of my favorite TV confections is “Ancient Aliens.” It has limited value as a source of information, but if I ignore the repeated statements that it was aliens from other planets who were responsible for nearly all of the major achievements of humanity, I get to travel to some of the most intriguing places on the planet.

The line that opens every show is, “We are not alone; we have never been alone.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement, even though I put a different meaning on it than the ancient-astronaut theorists do.

As I look around me at our world, I see evidence of consciousness everywhere. There is the obvious consciousness of our fellow creatures and the less obvious consciousness of our plant relatives. Native Americans extend consciousness from two legged, four legged, and creepy crawlers to include Plant nations; Stone nations; and beyond. In their view, everything has consciousness. This view is shared by all those who see Earth itself as conscious—the Gaia principle. We are definitely not alone here, even if we haven’t been visited by beings from outer space.

In Elyn and my explorations of many powerful places and sacred sites, we have encountered energies and felt the presence of beings who were not in physical form. Perhaps these were memories held in places, non-corporeal entities, or the spirits of those who have passed over.

Recently, I have become more aware of how consciousness survives physical death. The irrefutable evidence provided by people who have survived near-death experiences demonstrates that the physical body is not the seat of consciousness. The body is a receiver and transmitter, communicating with the Consciousness. Individual consciousness has a life that goes on after the connection with a physical body ceases.

Mediums and other transpersonal workers often make contact with the souls of departed relatives. The work of Suzanne Giesemann is particularly impressive in that regard. Suzanne states that the souls of departed relatives often want to maintain contact and even have important information to transmit to their living relatives. I have witnessed her work as an evidentiary medium to facilitate these communications, and I can report that it is extremely impressive.

We live in a world that is conscious, and we are surrounded by the spirits of those who have departed from this plane of existence—this vibrational frequency that we call “reality.” The multi-dimensional realms are full of spirit helpers, animal guides, and—who knows—maybe angelic beings, along with the souls of the departed. I can truly say that “We are not alone; we have never been alone.”

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