It´s Quiz Time!

It´s Quiz Time!

Okay, boys and girls, it’s quiz time in our online course. As your old, retired professor, I have constructed this two-question quiz to give you the best chance of making an”A” and passing the course. Just to make it easier to win by guessing correctly, the quiz questions will be multiple choice. Read all five responses before making up your mind. Ready? Here’s your quiz.

1.     The COVID-19 pandemic is:

A.     A liberal media hoax that is intended to get a deep-state politician elected in the November election.

B.     The work of some nefarious underground organization (choose your favorite) that concocted the virus in a laboratory in China and released it on the world to bring down the US government and enslave the population.

C.     A Bill Gates´ plot to get everyone vaccinated with his vaccine, which is laced with microchips that will enable “them” to keep tabs on your every movement.

D.    The result of a natural process of mutation that every virus goes through all the time.

E.     None of the above.


2.     The best response to the COVID-19 pandemic is:

A.     Run out and party to show them you’re not afraid.

B.     Return to your regular life and ignore any warnings in the liberal media.

C.     Try to forget all about it.

D.    Shelter in place and wash your hands a lot.

E.     Refuse to wear a mask or social distance because it limits your freedom.

Consider your answer carefully, because it might mean life or death for you and many others around you.

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